YAYYYYYYY we are so excited for this weekend, but first...


1. LIFE.  Yie, things are weird.  We SINCERELY hope you are safe and sane amongst this madness.  We hope these photos will make you smile and remember the sweet stillness during this chaotic time!  YOU (you, moms/dads/grandmas/grandpas/etc.) kept these humans alive and moving during a PANDEMIC (nuts!?).  You deserve a trophy and a thank you... so THANK YOU

2. $20 INSTEAD OF $39+.  This year we have lowered our initial deposit by $19 dollars due to economic uncertainty, technology limitations, and mostly just because we are excited to get back to what we love and hope you can 'participate'!  Additionally, those who might be worried about their CURRENT financial situation but have a strong relevéPHOTO order history could qualify to shoot WITHOUT a deposit... just contact us at least 48 hours before your shoot to see if you qualify!

3. rP POSING STANDARDS.  Beyond just a crisp, clean, well-lit shot, all relevéPHOTO photogs are taught four BASE GOALS to 'record' into an individual session's set of photos: PERSONALITY, TECHNIQUE, MOVEMENT (yes, movement... in a still photograph... think a flowing skirt, an amazing jump, or the feel of a beautiful beginning turn on those cute 'tippy toes'), and VISUAL REPRESENTATION OF ONE'S YEAR IN DANCE!  We have long had a very hands-on approach to achieve these BASE GOALS.  That will change this year, but our goals will not.  The final product may look a little different as those first-position feet may stray a bit or that arabesque may be harder to hold without an assistant's help but, what may lack in perfect TECHNIQUE, we will certainly try to make up for in the other areas! 

4. PATIENCE. We are right alongside you trying to navigate the new roles/schedules/technology we are juggling.  We ask for your increased patience as our OVERLY-PLANNED spring became a JUMP-IN-AND-PRAY June.  There may be processing, editing, responding, etc. delays we just can't anticipate as we cram our three-month, thirteen studio schedule into JUNE!  Thank you in advance for your patience.

5. SAFETY & GUIDELINES. We've been at TDC since Monday and it has gone GREAT so I'm sure that will continue into the weekend.  See the '2020 SAFETY GUIDELINES' below for ways you will help us and TDC stay clean and healthy!


DANCER PLUS ONE:  Only dancer and ONE chaperone/guardian is allowed in the studio during each SESSION.  

5, 4, 3, 2, 1:  Dancer should check in at front up to five minutes before scheduled appointment (stay in car if earlier than that).  

PERSONAL SPACE:  After check-in you will be shown to the dressing room and have a little block of land.  We ask dancer and chaperone to follow social distancing rules when possible. 

PRIVATE PARTY:  Like usual no parents will be allowed in the photo room.  Parents should wait in car if possible to reduce downtime.

POSE PRACTICE:  Like usual, we ask that dancers have some idea of the poses they want to try.  It's more important this year as we try and limit interaction/talking time!  Younger dancers should have an idea of  their beginning/end pose and the 'style' of their dance (aka... sassy, serious, soft) so we can pose quicker.  If they have a trick/special skill you'd like shot, please let them know and we'll make it happen!  Older dancers should know cool/their favorite parts of their dance/solo and any other fun things they want to try (we suggest screenshotting awesome web examples.  Some good IG accounts we love:  @jamesjinimages / @rachelnevillephoto / @nycdanceproject )  Trust us, you'll love your pictures TEN TIMES MORE if you have a good 'jumping-off' point in terms of poses... and you'll get in and out quicker!

MASK FUN:  We (photog and assistant, if there) will be wearing a mask if within six feet and will avoid skin contact but may help toes/costumes (no direct skin contact) get in perfect position as long as the dancer is ok with it.  See above #3 about posing standards.  

YOU'VE HEARD THIS BEFORE BUT:  If your dancer or anyone in his/her family is not feeling well, has or recently had a fever, cough or any unusual symptoms, please stay home!   Shoot us an email so we know not to worry/hound you lovingly as to your whereabouts and refund your deposit! 



First, choose the 'service' by selecting the amount of costumes you will shoot in!  If more than three, you will have to make multiple appointments!  Click on 'More Info' for all the details.

Next, choose either Friday or Saturday and SCROLL DOWN to see the available appointments on that day!

Enter information and please be sure to enter the dancer's name in the 'First Name' or 'Appointment Notes'.

SCROLL DOWN and make sure to select 'BOOK APPOINTMENT'.  You should receive an order confirmation almost immediately to confirm you appointment is booked!



(Go HERE for General FAQ's)

1.  I want to shoot in more than three costumes.  Can I do this?

Yes!  Just purchase multiple 10-minute SESSIONs with the appropriate TOTAL number of costumes (example:  You'd like to shoot in five costumes then book one THREE Costume SESSION and one TWO Costume SESSION).  If possible, you could book adjacent times or even spread out by a few and we will work your dancer within our intermittent bookings.  Each 'ten minute' SESSION will end up with a gallery of around 20-25 images, so if you shoot in two costumes... about 10-12 shots each; three costumes about 7-9 shots in each costume.

2.  What do you mean 'have pose ideas ready'?

Since we don't know everyone's skill level or exact dances, (and this year to limit talking interaction length) we want dancers to have a few favorite parts of his/her dance or skill sets ready to showcase.  We can then tweak and go from there having a better idea of his/her talents.  It does NOT mean 'I want one standing and one sitting' it's more particular to his/her dance/dances.  This is not as important for our tiny dancers (under 6ish).  For some great ideas, check out our Pinterest page or see the IG pages listed above.

3.  What if I don't like any of my photos?

We hope you do (and 99% do) but totally understand this question when making a deposit!  We offer a FULL refund if you do not find anything you like.  We will take down his or her photos and refund your dollars.  We do not offer PARTIAL refunds.  You must email us BEFORE your Gallery Finale to take advantage of this refund. 

4.  What can we use our deposit money on?

This deposit is just like a gift certificate/card!  The money paid for the deposit can be used toward ANYTHING on the site, not just the particular individual photos one is paying toward.  You may use it to buy group shots and shots from any other gallery (including other dancers in the family).  They can be used toward ANYTHING on our site (prints, products, & digital files).  The only thing it CANNOT be used on is FUTURE deposits. 

5.  How do I apply the money to my total?

You will receive an email with a 'gift certificate code' when photos are ready; Subject line:  'relevePHOTO Deposit Information'.  Add anything and everything to your cart.  When checking out, choose 'Gift Certificate' under the Payment Method.  Enter your code in that box.  It will then ask you for another payment method to take care of the rest of your cart total.

6.  Can I see a pricelist?

Of course, here is a link to the 2020 Pricelist!

7.  What's the process on the day-of shooting?

Come just a few minutes before your scheduled appointment, primed and primped, ready to shoot.  Check in at the front and someone will take you to your dressing room spot.  Parents are not allowed in the shoot room.  We will quickly go over any pose ideas the dancer may have as well as the style of their dance and then get to shooting!  If changing costumes, we will alternate shooting with other dancers while you change.  Come to the carpet just inside Studio 4 when you are ready for your next shoot.

8.  What's the process after we shoot?

Photos will be online ONE - TWO WEEKS after we shoot.  If you make a deposit you will get an email with your gift cert code when they are ready.  The studio will also send out notification when galleries are ready!  You can view and order photos from the comfort of your home.  Be sure to order by MON, Jul13 before prices go up, packages/digital files are no longer offered, and coupon codes expire!


Got all the details?  BOOK ABOVE or LINK TO YOUR GALLERIES!